Quick Report on Links

Link popularity does seem to fluctuate a lot though so this maybe just a short term increase - only time will tell if it's a permanent one. For example the decrease of links on the 7th of Decemeber was just a short term thing.
Anyway sales are going slowly again. Hopefully it will pick up a bit once our site gets more links and a page rank in the near future.
About the press release that we released on the 12th. It has now had:
- 42,569 reads
- Estimated 565 pickups by media outlets.
- 18 printouts
Things are slowly but surely coming together.
One strange thing which seems to be happening at the moment is advertisers seem to be signing up for accounts, validating their e-mail addresses but not buying any pixels. This we do not understand as signing up serves no purpose other than for buying pixels.
Anyway if you would like to visit our site please click on the link below:
Pixel Advertising at Pixel-Lotteries
Written by: H.Hashi (Webmaster Pixel-Lotteries.com)
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