It's been a long time since I updated this blog.
Things have been going slowly. I'll list the good and bad things that have happened since the last post.
* Pixel-Lotteries now has a PR of 4. This can be checked at
www.seochat.com using the pagerank lookup tool. The google bar was showing PR4 for the site a few days ago but for some reason it's now not showing it...
* Our topsites list now has over 300 members, all sharing traffic with each other.
* Alexa Ranking of 45,066.
* We suffered a decline in link popularity recently going from over 5,000 links to just over 1,000.
* Due to the above, we've also suffered a decline in traffic to our main homepage although our topsites list is thriving.
That's about it... Oh a quick mention thanks to our newest investor, "Philly Pixels" at
Quick Report on Links
We've just checked the number of links to our site again on "MarketLeap" and have found out that the number of links to our site has had a significant increase since our last report on links. Our site is now categoried as an "average presence" pixel website, which is more than you can say about a lot of sites out there. We've attached the screenshot as usual in the blog (to the right) and all you need to do is click on it to take a closer look.
Link popularity does seem to fluctuate a lot though so this maybe just a short term increase - only time will tell if it's a permanent one. For example the decrease of links on the 7th of Decemeber was just a short term thing.
Anyway sales are going slowly again. Hopefully it will pick up a bit once our site gets more links and a page rank in the near future.
About the press release that we released on the 12th. It has now had:
Things are slowly but surely coming together.
One strange thing which seems to be happening at the moment is advertisers seem to be signing up for accounts, validating their e-mail addresses but not buying any pixels. This we do not understand as signing up serves no purpose other than for buying pixels.
Anyway if you would like to visit our site please click on the link below:
Pixel Advertising at Pixel-Lotteries
Written by: H.Hashi (Webmaster Pixel-Lotteries.com)
We've done a few things since the last update! These include:
The creation of a favicon.ico. When you load the page this should appear next to the url in the address bar!
Contacting and trying to build links with more gambling related sites.
Buying more advertisement space on other sites.
Writing of our very own press release!
We hope that our press release will generate more interest in our site. It has been reviewed by a company that specialises in press releases and will be published today (12th)!!! We shall see wh
at effect it has on our traffic + links etc...
Talking about links the number of links to our site is increasing steadily but surely. We still have under average presence on the net but here are the statistics from MarketLeap, a very helpful website. This shows our efforts are slowly paying off! Just click on the graph to the right to see the full-sized version.
For those of you who are interested, we have copied our press release below!
Pixel Advertising and Pixel-Lotteries
By now you have undoubtedly heard of the "MillionDollarHomepage" and the concept of pixel advertising. Since the launch of the site the exposure that it has been getting has sky rocketed. So what really lead to it's success?
Pixel advertising is a new unique approach to advertising. It provides the opportunity for individuals to advertise their product, service or website. The price is quite cheap if you think of it in the long term, as it is usually a one off payment for uploading an advertisement for 3-5 years. Just think about how much you would spend advertising your product or service on pay per click advertisements over the same period of time.
But money set aside, pixel advertising is a very inefficent method of advertising. Basically the visitors are presented with a large collage of adverts upon loading the site, which makes it very difficult to distinguish the adverts from one another. Another factor which makes pixel advertising inefficient is the fact that the site usually has no theme. Just looking at the "MillionDollarHomepage" for an example, there are adverts for poker, loans, magazines, dating services, hair experts etc... This lack of theme makes advertising on the sites like these very ineffective. People are visiting the site now out of curiousity and yes, it is generating a large amount of traffic but any traffic you do receieve through the adverts will be virtually useless.
Once the pixel advertising craze comes to an end the traffic to sites such as this will most likely plummet very rapidly. If you analyse the Alexa website statistics for the "MillionDollarHomepage"
you can notice a steady decline in the traffic it is receiving. This said it is still receiving a large amount of traffic.
This is where "Pixel-Lotteries" comes in. The aim of this site is not to make quick money and generate a one off surge of traffic like some pixel advertising sites out there, but to generate targeted traffic in the long term.
As you may have guessed from the name, the site has a gambling theme. This allows the Pixel-Lotteries team to segment the internet users and specifically target the visitors they want, the gamblers. They are generating targeted traffic in many different ways, which other pixel advertising websites fail to do. This includes the use of advertisements on gambling related sites, link exchanges, the writing of gambling related blogs (for example this poker lessons blog)
, and the participation in gambling forums, as well as the usual process of submitting the site to search engines and directories.In terms of SEO, advertising at "Pixel-Lotteries" provides a competitive edge over other sites as they provide a direct link to the url specified by the advertiser. Other sites redirect the visitors to ensure there is no "pagerank leakage". As the pagerank of "Pixel-Lotteries" increases in the future, the link purchased by the advertiser will become increasingly valuable.
This, together with their low affordable prices makes "Pixel-Lotteries" a valuable advertising resource for gambling related sites. To take a look at the "Pixel-Lotteries" homepage go to the url below:
Pixel Advertising at Pixel-Lotteries
Written by: H.Hashi (Webmaster Pixel-Lotteries.com)